Paul Zelevansky
8 x 7 ¾ inches (20.3 x 19.7 cm)
Courtesy of the Artist
Selected by Lynn Zelevansky
Paul Zelevansky is an artist and writer living in New York City. His work includes video, animation, sculpture, collage, artists books, critical writing, and performance. He has published several visual novels (artists books) including THE BOOK OF TAKES, THE CASE FOR THE BURIAL OF ANCESTORS trilogy, THE SHADOW ARCHITECTURE AT THE CROSSROADS ANNUAL, and MONKEY & MAN. His website (,) and instagram page (pzelevansky) advance a form of visual metaphysics, as largely found fragments of words, images, video, and sound interact and combine to form new narratives. His visual primer 24 IDEAS ABOUT PICTURES, develops a phenomenological approach to visual thinking that integrates theory and practice. Finally his video project, MISTER ROGERS FOR ADULTS--based on the work of Fred Rogers--explores the power of ethical thinking in a media context. All of this work is ultimately in the service of epistemological and philosophical ends: How do we know what we know, and why do we believe what we believe?
Overall Dimensions
Height: 8.00 in
Width: 7.75 in